From See To Shining See

by Robin Rodig | November 11, 2012 | 0 Comments


Fuschlsee. Hallstattersee. Wolfgangsee. Just a few "sees" (or lakes) I've visited in Austria's beautiful Salzkammergut (or Lake District) to the south and east of Salzburg. Picture Maria twirling atop a panoramic, green, grassy mountain at the iconic start of The Sound Of Music. It was filmed there in the Salzkammergut and I can see why she was inspired.

With its, technically, 76 lakes (many just very tiny) dotted by small, charming towns and enveloped by the Austrian Alps, the Salzkammergut beckons in every season. The partially sunny days in the forecast (which you have to relish here this time of year) have been my cue to hit the bus or train and head out to a new lake. Confused, almost concerned, looks are frequent from bus drivers when I exit the bus at a random stop with nary a restaurant or person around. I enjoy though discovering the closest, quiet lake trail, appreciating the new scenery a few hours' hike holds, uncovering unexpected things and navigating my way back to a bus stop or train station. For me, it provides a sense of accomplishment. And a reason to go get a cold hefeweizen when I get back.

Some of those "unexpected things" mentioned above range from the cool to the creepy. Cool. A bobsled and luge training facility. Feeling the shocking whoosh from the rail of the track as they zoom by is exhilarating. Creepy. The Charnel House. A vault on the grounds of an old catholic church that houses skulls and bones of exhumed bodies from their graveyard due to lack of space. The skulls are painted with intricate, pretty designs before respectfully being placed in the Beinhaus (or bone house). Creepy, and maybe cool in its own way.

I know I'll see even more from the "sees" this month. You just never know what's around the corner. Or a bend in the trail.

Auf Wiedersehen!

Fuschlsee trail, Salzkammergut, Austria

Salzkammergut, Austria

Fuschlsee, Salzkammergut, Austria

Halstattersee, Salzkammergut, Austria


Halstatt, Austria

Salzkammergut, Austria

Austria flag, Salzkammergut, Austria

Charnel House, Halstatt, Austria

Bobsled training center, Austria

Luge training center, Austria

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