by Robin Rodig |
November 16, 2016
And speaking of God, boy did I get to experience surely one of his greatest honors. Tierra Santa, or Holy Land; the world’s first religious theme park. You heard me right folks. This one I had to see. Seventeen acres of re-created Jerusalem through which to wander.

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by Robin Rodig |
November 05, 2016
With a whirlwind nine day road trip around northern Argentina coming to a close, I thought the words of this notable Dr. Seuss book appropriate; as only delightful, absurd, thoughtful, inspiring Dr. Seuss books can be! Enjoy the RobinGoesTo abridged version.
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by Robin Rodig |
November 01, 2016
Poor Niagara is right. Iguazu is what you would call magnificent. And I'm not sure I've ever used that term before except for maybe a magician's title. The force and power of the gushing water almost everywhere you turned were breathtaking. The roaring sound from below was deafening. The relentless spray along the walkable edges was amusingly wet. All framed by the lush vegetation of the jungle.
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