by Robin Rodig |
April 22, 2018
I'm not a museum person. Well, not a traditional museum person. Quirky museums, I think, are great. Museums that showcase the weird things, the practical things, the why-does-this-thing-need-its-own-museum things. So it’s rather fitting (and humorous) that there are so many of this kind in Belgium; particularly Bruges.
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by Robin Rodig |
April 18, 2018
Although the exact number is unclear, there are literally about a thousand different brews originating from this country. Belgian big-timers Stella Artois and Hoegaarden (one of my personal favorites) are barely noticed due to my pinwheel eyes glazing over at the sheer number of options on menus and signs. If there was ever a beer culture, Belgium has it.
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by Robin Rodig |
April 14, 2018
"I started posting "Thursday Happy Hour" posts on Instagram a few years ago, and my friends and family kept telling me to start a blog to house all the recipes. So the Shared Sip was born!" -Christy Moyer
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